1 GB of hard drive space

Today’s Totally Random Fact: In 36 years, the average price of 1 GB of hard drive storage space has dropped from $400,000 to $0.019.

hard drive mechanism

flickr photo by marsupium photography https://flickr.com/photos/hagdorned/15023775762 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

Happy Birthday Youtube

The first video ever uploaded to youtube was on April 23, 2005.

According to Business Insider, Karim posted the low-quality video on YouTube a month before YouTube’s public beta launch in May 2005. YouTube officially launched in November 2005. When YouTube was bought by Google on November 13, 2006, Karim got 137,443 shares of stock worth roughly $147,053,014.56 (April 23, 2016).

Here is the first video – Me at the Zoo


Game Day 2.0!!

no snakes! Image by freeaussie images

Thursday and Friday, you will have the opportunity to play games…No, not the snake game or that stupid bubble game thing…No addictinggames .com….

Check out the educational games and simulations. Can you find any other quality games?

Click here to complete the evaluation form on the games listed above.